Hack your food and workouts in just 2 hours.
SUPP UP. guides are designed to be packed with key information, but easy enough to digest and read from start to finish in under 2 hours.
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SUPP UP. ® is your go-to for all things Military Nutrition and Fitness.
Dedicated to teaching military veterans and everyday civilians how to get better nutrition, improve workout technique, and most importantly how to strip away the inessential, honing in on what really works. Get your guides and gear in store now. Fuel. Train. Travel.™
SUPP UP.® is a series of guides made for maintaining nutrition, health, and fitness levels on the go or at home, originally designed for military but made available to those with an active lifestyle. It is one of the best Military Nutrition and Fitness brands in the world.
All guides give guidance on core nutrients and muscle anatomy, correcting mistakes you’ve learned, which leads to overall body composition improvement and fat loss. Learn more about us here.

The information in the guides and throughout the SUPP UP.® blog are all research-backed (peer-reviewed journal articles), putting our “money where our mouth is,” with scientific research which validate the guidance provided within the SUPP UP.® Series.

While the guides were initially designed for military and family, it's important to highlight that you don't have to be associated with the military to benefit from them.

The SUPP UP. guides are suitable for anyone who desires to gain excellent health and fitness in a simple, no fluff way.

*Photo by Marine Corps Sgt. Kirstin Spanu – The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Being and eating healthy does not have to be expensive, and everyone deserves to know how this can be accomplished by cutting through the pseudo-science seen today; this is what the SUPP UP.® nutrition and workout guides are all about. What are you waiting for? Start now.

*Photo by Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Phuchung – The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.