SUPP UP. Quotes

Some of our favorites, updated constantly. Use as wallpapers for your phone, desktop, laptop, iPad, or just share.

No one saves us but ourselves No one can and no one may We ourselves must walk the path quote, SUPP UP Quotes, Strong quotes, strength quotes, strength quote posters, quote posters, self reliance posters, SUPP UP Posters
He who conquers others is strong He who conquers himself is mighty quote, SUPP UP Quotes, Strong quotes, strength quotes, strength quote posters, quote posters, gym posters, SUPP UP Posters
There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself quote, SUPP UP Quotes, Fitness quotes, Workout quotes, exercise quote posters, quote posters, gym posters, SUPP UP Posters
The soul that is within me no man can degrade, The soul that is within me no man can degrade quote, SUPP UP Quotes, Strong quotes, strength quotes, strength quote posters, quote posters, SUPP UP Posters
The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack toughen the body and polish the spirit quote, SUPP UP Quotes, Fitness quotes, Workout quotes, exercise quote posters, quote posters, gym posters, SUPP UP Posters
A lot of us who grew up in the country hunting and fishing being very familiar with the woods and dirt roads have the skill set you need to fight fire quote, hunting quotes, fishing quotes, SUPP UP quotes
Over the years with hunting I think what's become my favorite part of hunting is how self-sufficient I'm becoming quote, Hunting quotes, SUPP UP quotes
We know that in tough times cynicism is just another way to give up and in the military we consider cynicism or giving up simply as forms of cowardice quote, SUPP UP quotes, military quotes
On the battlefield the military pledges to leave no soldier behind quote, SUPP UP quotes, Military quotes, veteran quotes
It was my duty to shoot the enemy and I don't regret it Chris Kyle, Chris Kyle quotes, SUPP UP quotes, military quotes
I'm an outdoors girl I like to go fishing riding four-wheelers, hunting quotes, fishing quotes, SUPP UP quotes, hunting quotes
For people who grew up hunting especialy war veterans shooting often settled the mind quote, hunting quotes, military quotes, veteran quotes, SUPP UP quotes
You're not just going out there maybe sacrificing your own life There's also sacrifices still going on at home Chris Kyle, Chris Kyle quotes, SUPP UP quotes, military quotes
You're in a combat zone one day You come home and then you have to readjust and it takes a few days Chris Kyle, Chris Kyle quotes, SUPP UP quotes, military quotes
Hunting is not a sport in a sport both sides know they're in the game quote, hunting quotes, SUPP UP quotes
I'm trying to raise the awareness of the troops that when they deploy and go to war it's not just them at war it's also their family Chris Kyle, Chris Kyle quotes, SUPP UP quotes, military quote
I do hunt and I do fish and I don't apologize to anybody for hunting and fishing quotes, SUPP UP quotes
As a former Airman First Class in the United States Air Force like many veterans in America my military experience Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris quotes, SUPP UP quotes, military quotes